liberti easter outreach: matching donation running out of time!

1,000 meals + 3 wells in celebration of the resurrection

I have the privilege of being a part of an amazing movement of churches in Philadelphia, seeking to “live, speak, and serve as the very presence of Christ” for the city (I go to the Center City one).

Last year, the churches gave away 1,000 Easter meals to familes in need. This year we’re trying to raise money to give away another 1,000 and to build 3 water wells in Africa

This week (until the end of Saturday), a donor is offering to match any donations up to $5,000.

There’s still a lot more to go to meet that goal. We need people to donate money to help us serve our neighbors in this city. So please donate if you can. Any amount will help. Remember, through church history Lent has been a time the church has given much to these sorts of efforts.

If you can’t give money, and still want to serve, we not only need money for the meals and wells (we’re trying to raise $35,000), we also need people to call families that would like the meals, as well as people to pack the meals and drive them. You can volunteer (and request a basket) at the website.

For more information or to sign up for any part of this initiative, please visit:

From the website:

The liberti churches are mobilizing our friends and neighbors to give away 1,000 Easter Dinners and dig 3 wells in Africa, so that families in need can have a special dinner and fresh water to commemorate the most important event in human history – the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The name of our church, “liberti,” is the Latin word for those who were formerly slaves but have been set free, their debt having been paid. We believe we all need to be freed from a selfish life, and believe there is more to life than looking only to our own needs.

Though we can never do enough good things to pay the debt of our failures and lack of love, Jesus Christ died in our place and rose again to free us – making us a “liberti” people – and now gives us a new future in God, and a new mission to love others.

We want everyone to know the love of God through Jesus, and how following Him together can turn us from living for ourselves, and free us to live a life for others.

Though you may not share our faith, we welcome you to join us in this expression of love to our neighbors during this season.

Moreover, in all of our life and service, we strive to be conversant with those who doubt, and especially with those who have had bad experiences with religious institutions. Jesus himself reserved his harshest words for self-righteous practitioners of “religion” and offered a new way for humanity to know God through his mercy.

We welcome the skeptic, the seeker and the doubter to join us in exploring the freedom found in Jesus Christ.

More ways to participate in Lent:

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