I have appendicitis, so no blogging

Well, it seems I have appendicitis. It unexepectedly hit Saturday morning. After a long night in the ER, I’ve been admitted to University of Pennsylvania Presbyterian Hospital, where I’m getting great (albeit slow) treatment (except for the narcotic-happy ER nurse).

They still don’t know if they are going to operate. Apprently, more and more research is showing they can take care of this without cutting me open. Honestly, all I want is some food (I’ve gone almost three days without any so far).

All that to say: it may be a couple of days before you see a post here. I’ve got in the habit of posting every day, and I’ll miss it, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.

Have a great day. And pray I get to eat something soon.

Posted from WordPress for Android on my Droid X

6 thoughts on “I have appendicitis, so no blogging

  1. “not like” that you’re in the hospital with appendicitis… tell them that you really have no use for the thing…it just gathers junk! You don’t “need” it… sorry to hear about your pain! Hope relief is on the way! Feel better!

  2. Sounds like appendicitis is going around the home group. The rest of them better watch out! If you don’t go for surgery though, who will I have to compare scars with???? Feel well and I hope to see you back in action by Thursday!

  3. Pingback: Hey! It’s Still Easter! | the long way home

  4. Appendicitis is considered to be a surgical illness. Due to its severe character, the treatment for appendicitis often involves surgical intervention. Judging by the speed of development and the gravity of the illness, appendicitis can be either acute or chronic. Acute appendicitis evolves very fast and can lead to complications. Chronic appendicitis is less serious and slower to develop. Although there are other options, the safest treatment for appendicitis is considered to be surgery.”

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